Liz is an exclusive Aveda Master Stylist having graduated from the Aveda Institute Florida. She was drawn to the brand after falling in love with the products and the unmatched points of differences the Aveda experiences offer. Soon afterward she realized her dream of entering the beauty industry wanting to make people feel not only beautiful but also universally the best version of themselves. She enjoys interior design and her favorite hobbies are shopping and working out. One thing most people don’t know about Liz is that she does her own hair. The number-one beauty advice she’d give is to remember that beauty is from the inside out, so what you put into it or onto it affects how you look and feel. That’s why she loves Aveda because the products are never harmful or damaging.
All Hair Color & Application Techniques, Hair Treatments, Women’s Cuts, Men’s Cuts / Barbering, and Facial Waxing